Asbestos can be found in a variety of construction materials, including tile. While some forms of asbestos tiles have been replaced due to renovation, damage, or building demolition, many still remain today. This poses the question, what is the best way to remove asbestos tile, and can it be done safely? Here’s what you should know.


Si cree que estuvo expuesto al asbesto, incluso cuando era niño, hable con un proveedor de atención médica sobre pruebas y exámenes para ayudar a diagnosticar cicatrices pulmonares y detectar enfermedades relacionadas con enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.

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Casi todos los edificios construidos antes de mediados de la década de 1980 contenían productos y materiales de construcción de asbesto.
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Asbestos was the Amazon

Today the company Amazon is arguably the most readily used company in America. In fact, when you look at the branding symbol for the company there is an arrow drawn in the shape of a smile that moves from the ‘A’ to the ‘Z’ in the word. This subconsciously tells us a message: Amazon has everything from A to Z  to give you happiness and peace of mind. 

El amianto es muy resistente al calor, la presión y la corrosión, por lo que se utilizó en muchos productos, vehículos y edificios. En particular, muchos lugares de trabajo como fábricas, refinerías, fundiciones y astilleros implican grandes cantidades de calor y fueron construidos con mucho amianto.
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You might say that asbestos once enjoyed an ‘Amazon’ status in the construction and manufacturing world. Before the era of readily available medical research, litigation, and major restructuring of corporations, asbestos was praised as one of the greatest minerals of the modern era. It once served as the chief economy in regions of South Africa where asbestos was mined for Western manufacturing companies, and even some American appreciation for asbestos can be seen in the naming of cities and even the rock of the State of California. 

Nearly an Inexhaustible Source

Asbestos is a durable mineral, and that is in fact where the name comes from in ancient Greek, meaning indestructible o inexhaustible. These durable qualities include things like:

  • Fire and heat resistance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Insoluble
  • Non-conductive
  • High in Strength
  • High in Insulating Properties

We could say that asbestos had the A to Z of qualities needed in constructing buildings and structures that needed to withstand the elements such as heat, cold, rain, and fire. Due to the relatively low cost to manufacture this naturally occurring mineral, asbestos could easily be minded, manufactured, and sold to buyers. The result was hundreds if not thousands of household and commercial products that were either made from or contained asbestos in some form.

“La evidencia general sugiere que no existe un nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto”. no hay nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto."

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)1

What are the Hazards of Asbestos Floor Tile?

One of these materials included tile, both floor as well as roof tiles. Asbestos flooring tile was made with asphalt and was also commonly sealed with a black adhesive underlayment which also contained asbestos. Some of the sizes of asbestos tile could vary, but if your home was built in or before the 1980s and contains flooring tile with a black underlayment, it is reasonable to assume that both contain asbestos.

“Algunas fibras de asbesto pueden pasar por alto... las defensas naturales de su cuerpo... y alojarse en lo profundo de sus pulmones. Esas fibras pueden permanecer en su lugar durante mucho tiempo y es posible que nunca se eliminen”.

Fuente: Asociación Americana del Pulmón

What are the Hazards of Asbestos Roof Tile?

For asbestos roof tile, the general rule of thumb is the same. Asbestos was used in asphalt roof shingles, tile, and roofing underlayment/paper. Since roofs deteriorate faster than other building materials due to being exposed to the elements, it is less likely for an asbestos roof to hold up all the way to the present day. However, that does not mean that asbestos roofs no longer exist. 

Homes with the same owner for a long time that have not been renovated, abandoned homes purchased by auction or repossessed, and commercial buildings that aren’t well-maintained could still contain asbestos roofing tile. One general rule of thumb is, that if the tiles look quite aged and different from the textures seen on modern roofing materials, you should assume that they contain asbestos. 

“Por lo general, quienes desarrollan enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto no muestran signos de enfermedad durante mucho tiempo después de la exposición”.

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)2

The importance of using a licensed professional with asbestos testing and removal

It’s important to stress that for both flooring and roofing tile, the only way to determine whether they contain asbestos is to have them professionally tested. This process means obtaining a sample of the material and sending it to a certified lab for analysis.

Learn more about asbestos testing:

What is an asbestos test?How do I test flooring for asbestos?
How much does asbestos testing cost?Five ways to test vinyl flooring for asbestos
I’m moving. Should I get a free asbestos test?Can you smell asbestos and detect it?
Why to get an asbestos auditWell established methods of asbestos testing
Do home inspectors test for asbestos?Asbestos remediation: the importance of licensing
Why is asbestos air quality testing so critical?How to interpret asbestos test results

DIY Removal Carries Unnecessary Risks

In theory, this can be done by anyone, but in actuality, it is a risk to undertake without the proper safety gear and practices. Asbestos exposure is a health hazard because the microscopic fibers that break off from damaged or exposed materials can pass through the air and into our bodies by breathing or swallowing them. 

Getting a muestra of a material believed to contain asbestos will require disturbing it in some way, which can easily result in agitating the fibers and exposing them to the surrounding area. Asbestos fibers can also attach to clothing, tools, and other objects which can result in exposing others to cross-contamination.

Las enfermedades del asbesto tienen una latencia prolongada. 

Eso significa que las personas expuestas al asbesto pueden no descubrir su enfermedad relacionada con el asbesto hasta 20 a 50 años después.

En muchos casos, los trabajadores que dieron negativo en las pruebas de daño por asbesto en la década de 1990 eventualmente desarrollaron asbestosis, mesotelioma y otras enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.

Asbesto: un asesino lento y silencioso

Debido a que el asbesto tampoco tiene olor ni sabor, y generalmente no produce una reacción inmediata, es posible que las personas no sepan que están respirando asbesto. Las fibras de asbesto pueden ser microscópicas.

Pero la American Lung Association señala que existe el riesgo de que, una vez inhaladas, algunas fibras de asbesto nunca salgan del cuerpo.3

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Safe Removal Means Professional Removal

With this in mind, it is actually safer to leave undamaged asbestos tile alone or cover it with new flooring than it is to remove. The process of removing tile can involve chiseling, scraping, cutting, and other actions that may result in high levels of asbestos exposure. Air systems in the home can disperse these fibers throughout the entire house relatively quickly as well.

Los riesgos para la salud de la exposición al asbesto pueden incluir:

Mesotelioma: Cáncer del mesotelio, la capa delgada de tejido que rodea los órganos del cuerpo. Solo se sabe que este cáncer es causado por la exposición al asbesto.Cáncer de pulmón
Cáncer de laringe: Cáncer de laringe (sección de la garganta llamada laringe)Cáncer de ovarios
Cáncer de estómagoCáncer de colón
Cáncer de faringeAbestosis: una enfermedad pulmonar crónica asociada a la exposición al asbesto
Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC)Atelectasia (collapsed lung)
Derrame pleural (acumulación de líquido alrededor de los pulmones)Derrame pericárdico (acumulación de líquido alrededor del corazón)

Why Professional Removal is Best

Because of this, reaching out to a licensed asbestos abatement company can be one of the safest, most powerful, and most comprehensive investments to protect yourself and others in the case of dealing with asbestos tile. The reasons for this include:

  1. These professionals can take the health risks away from you and handle the testing, removal, and cleanup process from start to finish.
  2. Un licensed abatement company can remove asbestos according to local and state regulations.
  3. You can rest assured knowing that the exposure threats have been removed and the rest of your home has been tested for exposure levels.
  4. Selling or renting a home with documentation from a licensed company can provide you with legal protection from theoretical litigation in the future.

Compensation is available for asbestos exposure.

Which asbestos claim gets the fastest results?

What are asbestos trusts?

What is the easiest way to get asbestos compensation?

Considering the cost of asbestos testing and abatement

Not always cheap – but usually worth it.

It’s easy to be concerned about the potential cost of reaching out to an asbestos abatement company, but it’s important to ask yourself, what is my health worth to me? 

Choosing the DIY route or ignoring the issue could result in large amounts of money spent on medical bills or litigation in the future, both of which can be avoided with no threat to your health if an abatement company handles the danger for you. Again, it is possible to safely remove asbestos tiles yourself, but the risks taken and the skills needed are simply not worth it.


Asbestos claims aren’t just a day in the office for Justinian C. Lane. 

Nuestro fundador, Justinian C. Lane, conoce de primera mano los efectos devastadores del asbesto.

Tanto sus abuelos como su padre, todos trabajadores del asbesto, fallecieron de cánceres inducidos por el asbesto sin darse cuenta de su elegibilidad para juicios por asbesto u otras formas de compensación.

Nuestro objetivo es evitar tales trágicos descuidos informando y guiando a las víctimas y sus familias a través de sus opciones legales.

Si usted o sus seres queridos han sufrido como resultado de la exposición al asbesto, podría ser elegible para una compensación considerable. Estos fondos podrían cubrir tratamientos médicos, servicios de remoción de asbestos y salvaguardar su salud.

Además, los fideicomisos de asbesto ofrecen una compensación sin necesidad de un juicio, brindando un camino más rápido y sencillo hacia la justicia.

Comuníquese con nosotros en [email protected] o (206) 455-9190 para obtener ayuda con su reclamo. Ofrecemos escucha compasiva, explicaciones claras y no cobramos un centavo a menos que ganemos su caso.

Más allá de las demandas legales, también asesoramos sobre discapacidad de veteranos, seguridad social y protección laboral como compensación de trabajadores, FELA, y La ley de Jones para trabajadores marítimos.

No hay riesgo ni costo para conectarse con nuestro equipo experimentado sobre sus derechos. Nuestro compromiso con su bienestar significa que no cobramos honorarios a menos que reciba una compensación.

Para más consultas o inquietudes sobre el asbesto, explore nuestro sitio web y página de YouTube, con infografías, videos y respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre temas relacionados con el asbesto.

También presentamos WARD, la base de datos de investigación mundial sobre el asbesto. Es el recurso más completo de información relacionada con el asbesto.

WARD ayuda a identificar posibles escenarios de exposición, productos que contienen asbesto y puede indicar los tipos y posibles montos de compensación que puede tener derecho a recibir.
No te demores — ponerse en contacto Con nosotras hoy!

1 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH) Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.
2 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH), Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.