Are air filters sufficient to protect us from the harm of asbestos exposure? The answer to this question requires some explanation, especially since the actual form of asbestos is not as simple as you might think.


If you believe that you were exposed to asbestos, even as a child, speak to a healthcare provider about tests and screening to help diagnose lung-scarring and screen for asbestos-related diseases.

Dust vs. Fiber

After the events of September 11th in New York City, the public watched footage of hundreds if not thousands of first responders and eyewitnesses covered in dust. Later, it was reported that the dust contained concrete as well as a variety of carcinogens including asbestos. It’s easy to think about asbestos as a dustlike substance, and certainly asbestos has been present in a variety of dust-like substances including concrete, plaster, drywall boards, shingles, and more. 

However, asbestos, when we boil it down, is not dust but instead is composed of fibers. 

Sharing a home or vehicle with someone wearing asbestos-tainted clothing puts you at risk of asbestos-related diseases. 1

Asbestos breaks into fibers which can become airborne and inhaled.

“The overall evidence suggests there is no safe level of asbestos exposure.”

Source: National Cancer Institute (NIH)2

What makes this even more complicated is the fact that asbestos fibers are actually microscopic. What the human eye sees in asbestos deposits or defunct applications of asbestos (wicks, insulation, etc.) is actually a bundle of fibers that are stuck together. If we divided those fibers down to their purest form, we wouldn’t be able to see them with the naked eye because they are too small. What’s more, these fibers also have no smell or taste to them, so they can easily become ingested or swallowed into the human body without notice.

Asbestos has no taste or smell.

You may not know you’re breathing it.

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Preventing Asbestos Exposure Requires More Than Filtration

Asbestos fibers can be microscopic, and can often pass through many filters and screens that stop other types of toxic material.

The reason this is important to think about is that protection from asbestos is not a matter that is as simple as choosing an effective air filter. Air filters have come a long way over the last few decades and there are more options available today than ever before, but that does not mean that air filters can solve the dangers of asbestos exposure. 

“Some asbestos fibers may bypass…your body’s natural defenses…and lodge deep within your lungs. Those fibers can remain in place for a very long time and may never be removed.”

Source: American Lung Association

Based on what we have already discussed, it is easy to illustrate why air filters are incapable of getting asbestos out of the air. If you take a look at an air filter and hold it up into the light, you can see through it. If you can see through them, you already know that they will not be able to trap microscopic needle-like fibers from passing through. 

“Generally, those who develop asbestos-related diseases show no signs of illness for a long time after exposure.”

Source: National Cancer Institute (NIH)3

How A Small Asbestos Exposure Site Can Become a Massive Danger

Additionally, there is also the issue of making the exposure worse than before. Let’s say that you have one exposure site in your home, the bathroom, which has old asbestos paint on the walls. 

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Nearly every building constructed before the mid-1980s contained asbestos products and building materials.
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The bathroom has been closed off and the air vents have been shut to the room. Suppose you have bought a cutting-edge air filter for your HVAC and you want to remodel the bathroom yourself and get rid of the asbestos materials. Since it’s a hot day, it seems like a good idea to turn the air conditioner on, and you figure that the new air filter will keep any asbestos fibers from recirculating. 

Unfortunately, the result would be just that. The air vent would potentially spread the asbestos fibers throughout your home, the air filter would not be able to trap the asbestos fibers, and your air vents in other rooms would now be blowing out microscopic asbestos fibers throughout the home. What’s worse, during this process you have potentially ingested asbestos fibers that may result in a life-threatening disease down the road.

“All forms of asbestos are carcinogenic to humans.” 4

A Professional-Level Problem Needs a Professional Solution

While this may sound like an extreme example, it’s important to highlight that this may in fact be a true story for many people who are unaware of just how small asbestos fibers are and just how easy it is to increase the scope of asbestos exposure. Ultimately, the goal with this example is not to scare anyone, but rather, to highlight why the problem of asbestos abatement is much bigger than simply thinking about air filters. Instead, asbestos abatement is a problem that should be left to the professionals. 

Compensation is available for asbestos exposure.

Which asbestos claim gets the fastest results?

What are asbestos trusts?

What is the easiest way to get asbestos compensation?

Asbestos exposure can cause significant health problems – as well as legal liability for property owners or renters.

Not only is this the safest solution for the health of everyone who comes into your home, but it is also the best solution to protect from legal liability. A professional abatement company will have the proper licensing and know-how to assess, remove, and dispose of asbestos-containing materials in a way that follows the relevant local and state laws for where you live. Best of all, these companies have the proper equipment and process to ensure that an asbestos exposure site is contained and not spread throughout your home. 


Asbestos claims aren’t just a day in the office for Justinian C. Lane. 

They’re a mission.

In the past, workers exposed to asbestos were kept in the dark about the dangers of asbestos exposure. Among those workers were Justinian’s grandparents and his own father. 

Unfortunately, they were also kept in the dark about the compensation options available to them, such as asbestos lawsuits and trust funds. In their later years, they died from asbestos-related cancers.  

Because no one in Justinian’s family knew their options, they never received any compensation for the death of their loved ones. 

Today, we’re working to turn the tide. 

Significant compensation may be available to you if you have contracted an asbestos-related illness or injury. This includes workers as well as family members who have been exposed. 

Compensation is your key to receiving the medical treatment you need, funding asbestos removal services, and maintaining your physical well-being. 

Want to know one of the quickest and easiest ways to receive compensation? Let us talk to you about asbestos trust claims. This option can often avoid lawsuits altogether.

We want to hear your story, and more importantly, we want to bring redemption to it. 

Need help filing a claim? No problem, you can email us at [email protected]

Would you rather talk over the phone? Simply call or text us, at (206) 455-9190.

You won’t pay a penny to us unless you receive money first, so there’s no risk. 

In addition to legal claims, veterans disability, social security and employment protection like workers compensation, FELA and The Jones Act for maritime workers, there are asbestos trusts that have been set up to compensate those harmed by asbestos without having to file a lawsuit.

The dangers of asbestos used to be an industry-guarded secret kept from suffering people like Justinian’s family. Not anymore. We’re bringing you the truth.

We’ve created numerous resources to help answer your questions and empower you with the information you need to know and act on. 

Our website has a wealth of information dedicated to things like health and safety, asbestos testing, asbestos removal, and legal information about compensation for asbestos injuries.

Are you a visual learner? No problem! 

Our YouTube page has infographics, an asbestos history series, and other helpful resources for you to check out!

Not sure where or when you were exposed to asbestos? 

Let W.A.R.D. help you!

The Worldwide Asbestos Research Database (W.A.R.D) is the largest asbestos information database, period.  If you need answers related to specific locations, products, or what type of compensation may be available to you due to asbestos exposure, W.A.R.D. is the place to start.

Working with us is risk-free. Unless you receive compensation money, there are NO FEES! Speak to us about asbestos litigation today.

1 Anua, S.M., Semple, S., Shakri, S.F.M., Safuan, S., Mazlan, N. and Asri, A.A.M., 2019. A review of the take-home exposure pathway of workplace hazards. International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine, 22(3and4), pp.13-19.
2 National Cancer Institute (NIH), Asbestos Fact Sheet.
3 National Cancer Institute (NIH), Asbestos Fact Sheet.
4 IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Arsenic, metals, fibres, and dusts. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. 2012 ;100(Pt C):11-465. PMID: 23189751.