Asbestos Learning Center / Asbestos 101
Asbestos 101 Videos
Asbestos 101 is your default destination for learning about asbestos. Our multi-part series covers everything from simple explanations of what asbestos actually is to in-depth medical studies, lawsuit overviews, and major conspiracies. People think asbestos is a problem of the past, but it is still very prevalent in many industries and in many parts of the world. And many people are still dying. Asbestos Attorney Justinian C. Lane lost his grandparents and his father to asbestos exposure and has dedicated his professional life to helping people similarly hurt.
Asbestos 101, Part One: What is Asbestos and Where Does it Come From?
Asbestos 101, Part Two: How Asbestos Products are Made & What They're Used For
Asbestos 101, Part Three: The Health Risks of Asbestos
Asbestos 101, Part Four: The Coverup - How Industry Hid The Dangers of Asbestos
Asbestos 101, Part Five: Compensation Options; Asbestos Claims, Mesothelioma Claims, Asbestos Trusts
Unraveling Asbestosis: A Microscopic Battle Inside Your Lungs | What Exactly Happens?
Understanding Short-Term Asbestos Exposure: Risks, Latency, and Health Implications
Asbestos Fragments 101 Videos:
Asbestos Fragments 101 are bite-sized bits from our expansive Asbestos 101 docuseries above. You can explore all five parts in full, of course, but sometimes you only have a few minutes to learn about the miracle mineral, and that’s what this playlist is for. If it’s important and involves asbestos, we probably cover it. And if we are missing something, let us know!
Salamanders, Asbestos & Lung Disease History | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample.
Did you know that people originally thought salamanders were fireproof?
Did you know the salamander used to be the symbol for asbestos?
Did you know that, no matter how hard you try, you can't see your own neck without a mirror? (Ok, that last one isn't in this video)
Welcome to a bite-sized bit of our expansive Asbestos 101 series. This clip is from Asbestos 101, Part 1, where asbestos attorney Justinian Lane looks at a particular lizard and how it came to be considered fireproof, and even magic.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Ancient Rome's Asbestos Use: Key Insights | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One, can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample, where we look at how the ancient Romans used the miracle mineral, and how the famous author, naturalist, and natural philosopher Pliny The Elder touted its virtues.
Welcome to a bite-sized bit of our expansive Asbestos 101 series. This clip is from Asbestos 101, Part 1, where asbestos attorney Justinian Lane looks deep into the ghost of asbestos's past.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Vestal Virgins & Asbestos Wicks in Rome | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One, can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample, diving into asbestos wicks and virgins. How often have you heard those two things in the same sentence?
In ancient Rome, it was a big deal to be a Vestal Virgin. Their job was to keep an eternal flame going. In exchange for their service to this flame, these women actually enjoyed rights akin to those of men at the time.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Charlemagne's Asbestos Tablecloth Mystery | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One, can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample, where Justinian looks at how Charlemagne, King of the Franks, averted war by use of an asbestos tablecloth. Many often ask what qualities did Charlemagne possess that hurt his leadership ability. This isn't one of them.
But it may help explain "why does Charlemagne call himself the god?"
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Asbestos Production: How It's Made | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One, can be found here:
This is one of many bite-sized samples. Today, Justinian teaches us about how asbestos forms naturally in nature. Asbestos is the generic name given to the fibrous variety of six naturally occurring minerals that have been with us for millions of millions of years.
How did asbestos form?
This bite includes some really cool historic footage of asbestos mining as well.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Industrial Revolution's Asbestos Impact | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample.
How did the industrial revolution give birth to the asbestos industry? How did we get from the ancient use of asbestos to modern times? When coal was cheap and pressure was low in the early days, any old thing was used to cover pipes. But as temps and pressure soared with technology, the industry needed a new solution.
And that solution started with "a" and ended in "s" and in the middle there was something "best" that was anything but.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Identifying Common Asbestos Types | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Let's really get a good idea of what asbestos is.
Asbestos is a term used by industry to describe six different minerals that all have properties that make them useful to industry.
These six minerals are broken into two families:
Amphibole Family
Serpentine Family
Amphibole includes Actinolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Crocidolite, and Tremolite.
Serpentine is home to Chrysotile.
Let's take a look.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One can be found here:
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Johns Manville: Asbestos Truths Uncovered | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Trying to talk about the history of asbestos without mentioning Johns Manville would be like talking about the history of the automobile without mentioning Henry Ford.
In its heyday, the company's fibers found their way into 80% of ALL asbestos products of the time.
In 1982, facing unprecedented liability for asbestos injury claims, the company voluntarily filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. However, the company is still in business today, despite the atrocities that it has committed.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we will be covering darn near everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral."
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part One can be found here:
Check out our playlists for each new episode:
Asbestos in Beer Filters: A Brewing History | ASBESTOS FRAGMENTS 101
Full-length Asbestos 101, Part TWO, can be found here:
Here's a bite-sized sample, all about beer. When Justinian first started getting interested in asbestos law, he had always heard about asbestos filters and beer.
After doing some digging, they found that a terrifying amount of beer sold to the public used to contain asbestos fibers that had made their way through the filtration process.
In other words, DON'T drink to that.
Asbestos 101 is part of our MAMMOTH series on asbestos, where we cover everything anyone could ever need to know about the "miracle mineral." You may not realize the impact asbestos has had on human history. You may think it is a "problem" of the past.
Dive into the world with us. You'll be glad you did.
Check out our playlists for each new episode: