The risks at work and at home
Occupational Exposure

Asbestos was used in industrial settings of all kinds, as well as nearly every building constructed before the early 1980s, exposing industrial workers directly to all kinds of asbestos as well as endangering people at those sites not directly working with it.
Second-hand asbestos exposure

Families and household members of industrial workers often received second-hand asbestos exposure by spending time or washing work clothes with asbestos dust, and being in shared spaces like laundry rooms and family vehicles coated with asbestos dust.
Asbestos dust has no taste or smell, so many people inhaled or swallowed it without knowing.
Asbestos is microscopic, and has no taste or smell.
It breaks up into fibers that are easily inhaled or swallowed from the air.
Asbestos is resistant to the body’s defenses and stomach acid.
Once asbestos fibers embed in the body, over decades it can mutate the DNA that deals with cellular growth, a cause of cancerous tumors.
The iron in asbestos fibers also creates free radicals, which are known to contribute to the formation of disease, including cancer.
Asbestos even interacts with cigarette smoke chemicals to greatly increase the likelihood of lung cancer up to fifty times.
Asbestos Can Cause
Lung Cancer • Throat Cancer • Stomach Cancer • Ovarian Cancer • Colon-Rectal Cancer • Mesothelioma • Asbestosis • Pleural Plaques

“I started AsbestosClaims.Law after losing my own family members to asbestos-related cancers.
I found out about asbestos too late to help my own family, but maybe I can help yours.”
Justinian C. Lane, Attorney
I understand the chaos that a cancer diagnosis brings upon a family. Long before I was a lawyer, my Dad took an early retirement with progressive lung cancer, and when he died my Mom and I were in a difficult moment.
And honestly, I wish back then I had known that asbestos contributed to his cancer, and my grandparents’, and I wish I’d known that there were compensation trusts available to help us through when our sole breadwinner died. I would have filed claims on their behalf.
But back then I didn’t know anything about asbestos or its toxicity. I didn’t know that asbestos caused more lung cancer than even mesothelioma, a type of cancer almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure.
When I was a law student, I represented two WWII vets who had developed health problems in the Navy. And seeing how they had been so wronged, I began to represent vets and workers who had been told nothing about the dangers of asbestos, and decades later were becoming sick, with a variety of respiratory and digestive problems, including cancer.
I worked in the asbestos legal world for other firms before starting my own practice. I know that many places just churn out as many clients as they can. If you contact them, they will call you day and night, pressuring you to file a lawsuit. We don’t do any of that.
I started AsbestosClaims.Law to do things differently, because I know personally what it’s like to lose a loved one to asbestos. I found out too late to help my own family, but maybe I can help yours.
I have devoted my legal practice to helping thousands of clients receive millions of dollars, with or without a lawsuit. That decision is up to them, but if clients don’t need the hassle, no one at my firm will keep calling or ever pressure anyone to do anything they want.
We put up all costs to research, qualify and file claims with every compensation trust that a client qualifies for. We won’t bother clients until their compensation is approved, but our knowledgeable and understanding staff is always available to answer questions or update you with the status of your claims.
Unlike lawsuits – which can sometimes take a long time to conclude, asbestos trusts offer one of the fastest and least burdensome legal methods to receive financial support for cancer treatment. So if your diagnosis is progressive, they can help you address your financial needs more immediately, while helping you tie up loose ends and consider a legacy for loved ones.