Yoga Can Help With Treatment of a Mesothelioma Diagnosis.

Yoga is a well-known practice for relieving stress, improving flexibility, and increasing overall musculoskeletal strength. Still, there are many additional benefits that are becoming increasingly well recognized for improving the comfort and overall well-being of cancer patients

Yoga provides the therapeutic benefits of relaxation, rest, and stress relief.

According to Yoga Earth, a survey of regular yoga practitioners found that 86% reported a reduction in stress and depressive symptoms, 69% acknowledged an improvement in mood and temperament, and 59% said that the quality and quantity of their sleep had improved. These are all benefits that could greatly enhance a cancer patient’s ability to feel more physically and emotionally resilient. 

Yoga can help support a standard mesothelioma treatment.

Yoga is a practice that combines physical poses with breathing techniques and meditations. 

Some cancer treatment centers offer yoga classes as a complementary treatment in addition to traditional medical approaches. The health benefits of yoga are broad, and the physical discomfort of cancer and its treatments can be significantly alleviated through regular practice.

Yoga offers benefits for Mesothelioma patients.

Mesothelioma patients can benefit from regular yoga practice in the following ways:

A reduction of stress and anxiety

Stress is a natural response to a cancer diagnosis, but it weakens the immune system. Yoga effectively alleviates physical, mental, and emotional tension, with many classes incorporating meditation and mantras to focus and calm the mind and body. 

Research has also found that yoga can lower a person’s heart rate and blood pressure – crucial changes for mesothelioma patients with high blood pressure and chronic stress.

Physical exercise

Many mesothelioma patients experience shortness of breath, making any vigorous exercise impossible. 

Yoga is an intentionally slow, gentle practice that allows people of all fitness levels to improve motion, flexibility, and musculoskeletal strength. Regular exercise is crucial to optimal immune system strength, and the peaceful practice of yoga allows cancer patients to exercise regularly without increasing any stress on their systems. 

Holistic well-being

As well as providing a range of physical benefits, yoga embodies a philosophy that guides its users toward holistic well-being practices. For example, healthy dietary choices and emotional acceptance practices can bring about profound feelings of improved emotional well-being in those suffering from mesothelioma and other cancers and asbestos-related llnesses

Cleansing the system

Yoga increases a person’s circulation, helping the body to rid itself of toxins and restore balance to the lymphatic system. 

The deep, meditative breathing practices also help to enrich the blood with more oxygen. Delivering more oxygen and other nutrients at a cellular level helps to cleanse the body of toxins built up by cancer treatments. 

Flexibility in the timing and location of treatment

Not only is yoga a highly effective complementary treatment for mesothelioma patients, but it is also an activity that can easily be done at home. While the social and connective nature of attending a class can also enhance feelings of well-being, cancer patients are not always well enough to venture out. In this case, a wide variety of instructed yoga practices are available online, enabling those patients to stay involved and maintain a level of physical exercise. 

A better quality of life

Mesothelioma patients are typically not diagnosed until the later stages of their illness, often resulting in palliative care being the focus of treatment. 

Given that the practice of yoga enhances physical, mental, and emotional well-being, it is commonly used to improve a patient’s overall quality of life. This can make a significant difference to a mesothelioma patient’s day-to-day experience.  

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