Bell button jeans, maxi dresses, leisure suits, goldfish platform shoes, and popcorn ceilings all went out of style around 1980. You can still find the first three things on Etsy and in retro clothing stores. Chances are, you can also find a home with popcorn ceilings somewhere in your neighborhood. Today, wearing a leisure suit causes embarrassment. A popcorn ceiling could cause a serious or fatal illness.

Builders used a tissue paper-like substance to create those cool-looking ceiling bumps that were all the rage in the 1960s and 1970s. Intentionally or unintentionally, this paper was often laced with asbestos fibers. More on these things below.


Si cree que estuvo expuesto al asbesto, incluso cuando era niño, hable con un proveedor de atención médica sobre pruebas y exámenes para ayudar a diagnosticar cicatrices pulmonares y detectar enfermedades relacionadas con enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.

If property owners know about injury hazards, they have a duty of care to remove them. Asbestos in popcorn ceilings is a serious hazard. One microscopic fiber that leaks through a hairline crack could cause asbestosis, mesothelioma, and a number of other very serious diseases. An asbestos exposure lawyer obtains the financial compensation these individuals need to manage these diseases and move on with their lives.

El asbesto no tiene sabor ni olor.

Es posible que no sepa que lo está respirando.

Image Asbestos Stonemasons2 article body

Asbestos in Popcorn Ceilings

This cheap and plentiful fibrous mineral doesn’t conduct heat or electricity. So, the asbestos in popcorn ceilings supplemented the asbestos in attic insulation. In other words, popcorn ceilings weren’t fundamentally a “decorative” thing. Fundamentally, they were an excuse to use more asbestos and eliminate the need for more expensive substitutes.

Other times, builder unintentionally used asbestos. Source cross-contamination issues are very common. The Grace mine saga in Libby, MOntana is a good example. For decades, this mine provided large quantities of vermiculite, a non-asbestos insulator, to construction firms across the country. Grace officials knew the vermiculite was tainted with asbestos. Yet they didn’t warn anyone or alter their production techniques. As a result, workers from the Ken-tucky coal mines to the California sun unknowingly handled asbestos without adequate protective equipment. More on that below.

“La evidencia general sugiere que no existe un nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto”. no hay nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto."

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)1

So, if you have a popcorn ceiling, it might or might not contain asbestos. A chemical test is the only way to know for sure. A do-it-yourself test might be an option in some cases. Usually, however, it’s better to call a professional, like a home inspector.

“Todas las formas de asbesto son cancerígenas para los humanos”. 2

Image Asbestos Popcorn Ceilings article body

Should I Get Rid of My Popcorn Ceiling?

If you know or suspect that a builder laced your ceiling with decorative asbestos, the next issue is, what to do about it. Before we address this issue, we should examine some asbestos hazards as well as some legal requirements.

“Algunas fibras de asbesto pueden pasar por alto... las defensas naturales de su cuerpo... y alojarse en lo profundo de sus pulmones. Esas fibras pueden permanecer en su lugar durante mucho tiempo y es posible que nunca se eliminen”.

Fuente: Asociación Americana del Pulmón

As mentioned, a single fiber could cause mesothelioma or another serious illness. Mesothelioma is an aggressive and rare form of heart-lung cancer that’s usually fatal. Additionally, it’s quickly fatal in most cases. The five-year mesothelioma survival rate is only 10 percent. The picture isn’t much prettier for other asbestos exposure conditions, like asbestosis.

“Por lo general, quienes desarrollan enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto no muestran signos de enfermedad durante mucho tiempo después de la exposición”.

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)3

El asbesto todavía está con nosotros.

Asbestos use is still legal in many cases. However, the permissible exposure limit is .01 milligrams per cubic centimeter. These fibers are very small. 20,000 fit between Abraham Lincoln’s nose and beard on a penny.

Given these risks, remediation and removal seem like the obvious choice. But R&R is quite expensive. The question comes down to three basic issues:

  • Visual Wear and Tear: Be very careful when you inspect a popcorn ceiling for hairline cracks and other signs of wear and tear. If you see any such signs, your family and your guests are at risk.
  • Number of Visitors: Some people host many parties and/or conduct business from their homes. Even if these guests don’t get sick, they could carry asbestos fibers home on their clothes or hair. That’s a lot of potential liability.
  • Your Plans for Your House: If you plan to sell your house, the popcorn ceiling must go. The house won’t pass inspection if the asbestos level is above .01 mg/cc. If you plan to stay in your house, you might get away with limiting access to rooms with popcorn ceilings.

Err on the side of caution. Homeowners are liable for asbestos exposure injuries, and the damages in these cases are often sky high.

¿Califica usted para una compensación?

Descubra rápida y fácilmente cómo estuvo expuesto buscando en WARD, la base de datos de asbesto más grande del planeta.


Options for Victims

Now, let’s look at the other side. Popcorn ceiling asbestos exposure victims have basically two legal options.

As mentioned, homeowners are responsible for injuries if they knew about, or should have known about, the injury-causing hazard. Evidence of knowledge includes prior tests and the age of the home. These cases usually remain in state court, but damages might be limited. Many homeowners have limited insurance.

Más de $ 30 mil millones todavía están disponibles
(sin demandas. Sin tarifas a menos que reciba dinero. Sin riesgos).

Haga su reclamo.

Logo Asbestos Claims

Asbestos companies hid the dangers of their products, and millions were exposed.

Fortunately, there is compensation for those they injured (without filing a lawsuit).

Victims could also file negligence claims against the companies that provided asbestos-laced products. Scientists noted the hazards of asbestos around 1900, but companies didn’t warn about the risk until much later. Large multinational companies have deep pockets, but these federal court cases are often complex.

One final note. If the asbestos provider is bankrupt, a victim compensation find claim might be an option. VCFs contain billions of dollars, and the claims are relatively straightforward, if the victim has a good lawyer.


En AsbestosClaims.Law, nuestra misión de asegurar una compensación para las víctimas del asbesto es más que profesional;es personal.

Nuestro fundador, Justinian C. Lane, conoce de primera mano los efectos devastadores del asbesto.

Tanto sus abuelos como su padre, todos trabajadores del asbesto, fallecieron de cánceres inducidos por el asbesto sin darse cuenta de su elegibilidad para juicios por asbesto u otras formas de compensación.

Nuestro objetivo es evitar tales trágicos descuidos informando y guiando a las víctimas y sus familias a través de sus opciones legales.

Si usted o sus seres queridos han sufrido como resultado de la exposición al asbesto, podría ser elegible para una compensación considerable. Estos fondos podrían cubrir tratamientos médicos, servicios de remoción de asbestos y salvaguardar su salud.

Además, los fideicomisos de asbesto ofrecen una compensación sin necesidad de un juicio, brindando un camino más rápido y sencillo hacia la justicia.

Comuníquese con nosotros en [email protected] o (206) 455-9190 para obtener ayuda con su reclamo. Ofrecemos escucha compasiva, explicaciones claras y no cobramos un centavo a menos que ganemos su caso.

Más allá de las demandas legales, también asesoramos sobre discapacidad de veteranos, seguridad social y protección laboral como compensación de trabajadores, FELA, y La ley de Jones para trabajadores marítimos.

No hay riesgo ni costo para conectarse con nuestro equipo experimentado sobre sus derechos. Nuestro compromiso con su bienestar significa que no cobramos honorarios a menos que reciba una compensación.

Para más consultas o inquietudes sobre el asbesto, explore nuestro sitio web y página de YouTube, con infografías, videos y respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre temas relacionados con el asbesto.

También presentamos WARD, la base de datos de investigación mundial sobre el asbesto. Es el recurso más completo de información relacionada con el asbesto.

WARD ayuda a identificar posibles escenarios de exposición, productos que contienen asbesto y puede indicar los tipos y posibles montos de compensación que puede tener derecho a recibir.

No te demores — ponerse en contacto Con nosotras hoy!

1 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH) Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.
2 IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Arsenic, metals, fibres, and dusts. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. 2012 ;100(Pt C):11-465. PMID: 23189751.
3 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH) Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.