Cancer of the Mesothelium

Mesotelioma is the cancer of the mesothelium. Mesothelium is a single layer of epithelial cells that surrounds internal organs of the body like the lungs, heart, abdomen and the testicles. 

What is the mesothelium?

El purpose of the mesothelium is to provide a protective surface for the internal organs and also to let the internal organs move about within the mesothelium to be able to perform their functions unimpeded.

Thus, when foreign bodies like asbestos fibers enter the body through inhalation or ingestion, they stay in the body permanently. The asbestos fibers are nearly indestructible and they are too many in number to be removed surgically. Often, persons inhaling or ingesting are unaware that they have done so. Further, there is no immediate symptoms that the person can detect.

These fibers begin to interact with the tissues in the mesothelium, scarring them, which ultimately leads to cancer known as mesotelioma

As mentioned earlier, the mesothelium protects the lungs, heart, abdomen and the testicles. 

Cuando mesotelioma occurs in the mesothelium of the lungs it is known as pleural mesotelioma and it is by far the most common cancers of all the mesotheliomas, accounting for 70–90% of all mesotheliomas.

El mesotelioma affecting the mesothelium of the heart is known as pericardial mesotelioma

When the cancer strikes the mesothelium of the abdomen, it is known as peritoneal mesotelioma.

Similarly, when the mesothelium of the testicles is struck with cancer, it is known as testicular mesotelioma

Possible Signs of Mesotelioma

Mesotheliomas are rare, and therefore screening recommendations are minimal. There are no noticeable symptoms and often symptoms can be confused with other disease and even treatment given for such symptoms.

However, regular physicians would have knowledge of the person’s workplace, which could give a definite indication as to exposure to asbestos. This could be the starting point for diagnosis. 

Medical Tests for Mesotelioma

The doctor may prescribe chest X-rays or CT scans to track any changes in the lungs that may indicate some disease, but it is still a question mark whether such tests would be useful.

One of the indicators that can perhaps give a pointer is the presence of high levels of soluble mesothelin-related peptides (SMRPs)and fibulin-3 in the blood, when a blood test is done specifically for these substances. However, it is not a very definitive indicator although it is one that is useful.

The first signs of mesotelioma can appear as shortness of breath or chest pain. 

A very important factor that doctors must consider is that symptoms of mesotelioma can take between 33 and 57 years to appear after first asbestos exposure. This aspect is known as latencia, and this as can be seen is very long latency.

Mesotelioma Symptoms

Mesotelioma is caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure, but there are other sources and as with all cancers, genetics can play a factor.

Often, mesotelioma can be mistaken for other diseases and doctors can misread the symptoms. However, if patients explain to the doctor about their association with asbestos or erionite and family history of mesotelioma, it is possible that the doctor would consider mesotelioma as a possible area to explore. 

It is very important that people who work with asbestos or erionite must reveal this fact first up with the doctors so that they can make a special effort to rule out asbestos-related disease.

In general, the symptoms of mesotelioma could include over sweating, fever, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, appetite loss and blood clots. 

Symptoms are usually different for specific mesotheliomas that attack the lungs, abdomen, heart and testicles.

Pleural mesotelioma can exhibit symptoms of cough, chest pain, lower back pain, breathlessness, swallowing difficulty, arms swelling and face swelling.

Symptoms of peritoneal mesotelioma can be stomach pain, abdomen swelling, vomiting, nausea and constipation.

Pericardial mesotelioma shows symptoms of irregular heart rhythm, chest pain, heart murmur and breathlessness.

Testicular mesotelioma can exhibit symptoms of fluid in the scrotum accompanied by swelling, inguinal hernia,epididymis cyst and lump in the scrotum.

People at Risk of Developing Mesotelioma

People who are exposed to both primary and secondary asbestos exposure are at risk of developing mesotelioma.

Occupational asbestos exposure (Primary Asbestos Exposure)

People subject to primary asbestos exposure include those working with asbestos-related occupations like mining, transportation and handling of asbestos products, manufacture of asbestos products, first responders, rescue workers, firefighters at natural and manmade disaster sites, building construction workers, building demolition workers and workers undertaking repairs and maintenance of asbestos-containing products and equipment.

Second-hand asbestos exposure (Secondary / Domestic / Household Exposure)

People subject to secondary asbestos exposure include family members of workers who are subject to primary asbestos exposure. This is because they carry home asbestos fibers and dust on their person, clothing, cars, equipment, tools, documents and footwear. These become the source of secondary asbestos exposure.

Research has also found that women who wash the clothes of their husbands who are subject to primary asbestos exposure run the same risk as their husbands in terms of developing mesotelioma

Children are especially at higher risk from secondary asbestos exposure, as they have the potential to inhale asbestos fibers at a very young age and because of latency of symptoms develop mesotelioma up to 57 years after exposure.

First Signs of Mesotelioma

Mesotelioma is a lethal form of cancer of the mesothelium. Mesothelium is a layer of epithelial cells that protects the organs like the lungs, abdomen, heart and testicles. 

Mesotelioma is caused by asbestos and erionite exposure. These substances are fibrous minerals that release thousands of microscopic fibers into the air when disturbed or damaged or subject to external force. People who inhale or ingest these fibers are said to have been exposed to asbestos. 

These fibers are highly durable and almost indestructible. When they enter the human body, they stay there permanently because they cannot be taken out, and often people don’t know that they have inhaled or swallowed asbestos fibers. 

Asbestos fibers then begin to interact with the cells in the mesothelium, creating tissue scarring over a period of time that ultimately causes the mesotelioma cancer of different organs. 

Mesotelioma is a peculiar cancer in terms of patients not being able to develop any symptoms that can be seen or felt easily. Secondly, mesotelioma symptoms take anywhere between 33 and 57 years to develop symptoms. This aspect is known as latency, which is the time taken between first asbestos exposure and diagnosis of mesotelioma.   

Another feature of mesotelioma is the difficulty in catching the disease early, preventing start of early treatment. Because of the latency and absence of symptoms, by the time the cancer is diagnosed, the cancer has progressed to its final stage perhaps. Mesotelioma has poor survival rates of four to 18 months after diagnosis and just 10% of people diagnosed with mesotelioma survive for five years after diagnosis.

The dangers of asbestos exposure is there for all to see. People at risk of asbestos exposure should periodically undergo health checks and ask health professionals about tests for diseases related to asbestos and also use diagnostic experts like B readers who are doctors certified by the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) to interpret images related to black lung and asbestos-related disease.

It is advisable that women and children are checked up periodically for asbestos exposure. Even women who stay in military housing are subject to secondary asbestos exposure and therefore they should also get checked up periodically.,non%2Dadhesive%20and%20protective%20surface.,specializing%20in%20your%20specific%20diagnosis.,are%20disturbed%20and%20become%20airborne.,disease%20is%20just%2010%20percent.
