I Have Been Diagnosed with an Asbestos – Related Cancer
Asbestos Can Cause
Cáncer de pulmón • Throat Cancer • Stomach Cancer • Ovarian Cancer • Colon-Rectal Cancer • Mesotelioma • La Asbestosis • Placas pleurales
Billions of Dollars in Financial Support Are Available… Without a Lawsuit.
No Retainers • No Lawsuits • No Court Visits or Fees • No Depositions • No Hassles • No Risk
Fortunately, the fastest and easiest route to financial help for asbestos injuries does not require filing a lawsuit. It is called an asbestos bankruptcy trust
You just have to qualify and file your claim.
But many people do not know their cancer or other health problem qualifies them for financial support.
Financial Support for Cancer Treatment
2/3rds of bankruptcies are the result of medical bills. |
Medical bills are by far the biggest cause of bankruptcy in America.
There is some financial assistance through workers compensation and veterans disability, but it’s often not enough.
Cancer treatment in the U.S. is particularly expensive, with expensive medicines costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. Health insurers have increasingly shifted costs to patients. Even in remission, studies show that cancer survivors pay more out of pocket for their medical care than other medical patients.

¿Qué son los fideicomisos de quiebra de asbestos?
Los fideicomisos de bancarrota de asbesto (también llamada compensation funds) provide compensation for qualifying individuals to help pay for treatment, lost wages, and costs brought on by asbestos-related cancer or other health problems.
Are they lawsuits?
No, they are legal claims you file with a trustee in charge of distributing the money. There is no court case or deposition or court fees. There is no opponent or penalty. If you don’t receive compensation, you owe nothing.
Do I have to be declaring bankruptcy to receive money from them?
No. They have nothing to do with anyone having to go bankrupt.
They are called that because when asbestos companies went bankrupt from lawsuits for hiding the truth about asbestos, courts wanted to make sure there’d be money to compensate all the people hurt by asbestos.
Asbestos-related cancer and other diseases take 20-50 years to appear.
Courts knew the money needed to last a long time, so they made asbestos companies put the money in trusts, to be managed carefully and given only to people with asbestos-related health problems.
Who can receive money from asbestos trusts?
Anyone with a qualifying asbestos-related cancer or other health problem (asbestosis, pleural plaques) caused or aggravated by asbestos exposure that took place before 1982 may be able to file a claim with an asbestos trust.
After 1982, asbestos companies could no longer hide what they knew about the dangers of asbestos. Once the truth came out about asbestos, regulations were passed to reduce its use. But many people still carried the asbestos in their bodies, and often diseases like cancer only appear much later.
Many industrial workers and their families have filed claims and been compensated by asbestos trusts.
Thousands of them are our clients, who have received awards ranging from tens of thousands to seven figure awards.
Asbestos trusts are one of our principal focuses at AsbestosClaims.Law.
We put up all the resources to research, qualify and file your claim.
We only charge after you receive money. There is no risk.
There are still billions of dollars unclaimed in these trusts.
Call us to qualify, and stake your claim.
Learning about asbestos and cancer
Asbestos dust can contribute to cancer of the lungs, stomach, throat, ovaries and mesothelium (the lining around the lungs). But asbestos-related cancer and other diseases take decades to appear.
Millions of industrial workers were exposed to asbestos dust at work before the mid-1980s.
Many of their family members were exposed to asbestos dust on their work clothes.
None of them had any idea it would cause cancer and related health problems years later.If you are over 50 and either you, or your household member worked in an industrial job in the 1970s, asbestos may have contributed to your cancer.
How does asbestos exposure contribute to cancer?
Asbestos causes cancer. Health researchers are learning how.
Los estudios demuestran que las fibras de amianto se incrustan en el tejido corporal:
- Causando cicatrices
- Alterar los mecanismos de defensa del cuerpo.
- Aumento de la formación de radicales libres (cargas eléctricas que se sabe que aumentan la probabilidad de cáncer)
- Dañar el ADN que controla el crecimiento celular, lo que podría conducir a la formación de carcinomas (tumores cancerosos)
Asbestos-related cancer is underreported in women.
In fact, in 2021, the CDC announced that in the past two decades, the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma rate in women actually went up, and was still being under-reported. One big reason for this is that one in five of the women with mesothelioma described themselves as homemakers, people who had no reason to suspect they were being exposed.[1]
Latency of asbestos diseases and the importance of screening.
Asbestos-related cancer and health problems also take 20 to 50 years to appear. As one researcher put it, “Many patients who developed asbestos cancer, especially women, were unaware that they had been exposed to a time-bomb with a very long fuse.”[2]
A simple X-ray can show if you have asbestos scarring. You may be at risk if you worked an industrial job or lived in a household with an industrial worker prior to 1982.
Researchers say that ‘Asbestos Exposure is the most important cause of mortality from on-the-job lung cancer.’ They recommend that former asbestos workers and their household members who are currently 50 and older should be screened for asbestos scarring.[3]
One big reason for this is that one in five of the women with mesothelioma described themselves as homemakers, people who had no reason to suspect they were being exposed. Many are now my clients, and with their ongoing exposure, some unfortunately have even worse health problems than the spouse whose work clothes they were washing. And as people exposed in their youth are getting older, the children who washed their parents’ work clothes, or spent a lot of time around the dusty vehicles, garages and laundry rooms where they were worn, are getting chest X-rays and discovering their lungs have asbestos damage which has taken decades to reveal its menace.
[1] Malignant mesothelioma mortality in women—United States, 1999–2020. Mazurek, J.M., Blackley, D.J. and Weissman, D.N., 2022., Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71(19), p.645.
[2]Lung cancer screening in patients with Libby amphibole disease: High yield despite predominantly environmental and household exposure. Loewen, G., Black, B., McNew, T. and Miller, A., 2019., American journal of industrial medicine, 62(12), pp.1112-1116.
[3] Lung cancer screening in asbestos-exposed populations., Markowitz, S.B., 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), p.2688.