Asbestos litigation can be a very complex process. Those who are suffering from an asbestos-related disease due to exposure or survivors of loved ones who have paid the ultimate price from asbestos exposure should not (and often cannot) navigate through the litigation process by themselves. Here is how expert witness testimony plays into the asbestos litigation process, and why it is highly beneficial to have an asbestos attorney fighting for you.
Si cree que estuvo expuesto al asbesto, incluso cuando era niño, hable con un proveedor de atención médica sobre pruebas y exámenes para ayudar a diagnosticar cicatrices pulmonares y detectar enfermedades relacionadas con enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.
The Complexities of Asbestos Litigation
On the one hand, it should be pointed out that asbestos exposure is not something that has to be proven, at least in the strict sense of the term. The general burden of proof for asbestos has to do with showing that it is “more likely than not” in the case of asbestos exposure. However, the ability to establish liability in court is a bit more complex than it seems at first glance. Additionally, the length of time that it takes to resolve an asbestos case will depend on the nature of the claim and the objectivity of the presented evidence.
Establishing Asbestos Liability
When it comes to the process of asbestos lawyers during litigation, they establish liability in three categories: lay witnesses, documentary evidence, and expert witnesses. These three, taken together, establish proof and persuasion evidence to secure compensation for asbestos-related illnesses.
Witnesses and documents can prove that you or your family member worked at a worksite containing asbestos products.
(Our base de datos can help. It’s free to search.)
To describe these with a bit more detail, lay witnesses would include friends, family, and coworkers of employees who were exposed to asbestos, documentary evidence would include medical records and other relevant data, and expert witnesses would include doctors or other professionals who could testify to the connection between asbestos exposure and asbestos-related illnesses.
It is vitally important for all three of these categories to harmonize and reinforce one another in order to secure a favorable ruling for someone who suffers from a disease or illness related to asbestos exposure. Of course, this is what asbestos attorneys specialize in.
The Role of Discovery in an Asbestos Lawsuit
Within the legal process in an asbestos-related case, legal discovery is another important piece of the puzzle. Simply put, discovery has to do with the process of showing how a person exposed to asbestos has contracted a health injury that has been caused by asbestos exposure.
Discovery is the opportunity to gather all the evidence needed to prove your case.
The process of discovery may include the curation of medical proof related to injuries, work records, and other relevant documents showing a clear link between the person and asbestos exposure. This process of discovery is essentially a pre-trial process of fact-finding and evidence accrual that is done by the attorney on behalf of the victim/plaintiff.
The Duty to Warn
Another aspect of the litigation process in asbestos-related diseases is the deber de advertir. The duty to warn is intimately connected to negligence law. This applies especially to companies or businesses and their legal obligation to warn employees about the dangers related to asbestos.
Failure to warn people of a danger you created is an example of carelessness. The legal term is la negligencia.
While there are stipulations in the legal world that palace limits on the duty to warn (including the impossibility of mitigating all risk), there is a close relationship between the duty to warn and the duty of care. This means that there is a legal responsibility to warn others when there is a created danger, particularly a danger that others would be unaware of, apart from warning.
“La evidencia general sugiere que no existe un nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto”. no hay nivel seguro de exposición al asbesto."Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)1 |
The Factor of Weather in asbestos exposure and litigation
While exposure to asbestos can be cause for concern and even legal action, there are examples of someone who has contracted an asbestos-related disease primarily due to weather events. For example, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and other natural disasters can often result in the deterioration or significant damage of asbestos-containing materials.
Asbestos products that have been damaged, torn up, and tossed around, can release harmful asbestos fibers into the air.
When this occurs, asbestos fibers are released into the air and place anyone in the nearby area at risk. When this occurs, it is important for building owners or those in charge of corporations to conduct asbestos testing, coordinate with waste disposal facilities, and contact asbestos removal (abatement) contractors to mitigate the risk. When these steps are not taken, companies can be held liable for negligence, especially if it can be shown that the company was previously aware of the presence of asbestos in the vicinity.
“Algunas fibras de asbesto pueden pasar por alto... las defensas naturales de su cuerpo... y alojarse en lo profundo de sus pulmones. Esas fibras pueden permanecer en su lugar durante mucho tiempo y es posible que nunca se eliminen”.Fuente: Asociación Americana del Pulmón |
Exposición Secundaria al Asbesto
Within this discussion, it is often asked whether asbestos claims are restricted to people who worked in environments that contained asbestos. You may be surprised to know that legal action for asbestos exposure is not restricted to people who directly worked in those environments.
In fact, an important aspect of asbestos-related diseases has to do with secondary exposure, also known as secondhand asbestos exposure.
Las personas que trabajaron en estas industrias antes de mediados de la década de 1980 tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto:
Construcción | Fábricas | Fundiciones | Refinerías | Astilleros | Minería / Molienda |
Demolición | Aislamiento | Trabajadores del acero | Instalación de tuberías | Construcción naval | Mecánicos |
Techumbre | Textiles | Trabajadores del hierro | Calderas | Extinción de incendios | Reparación de frenos |
Piso | Cemento | Electricistas | Reparación de juntas | Ferrocarril | Climatización |
Desafortunadamente también lo hacen sus familias.
In second-hand asbestos exposure cases, children or spouses of those who worked in asbestos environments and transported microscopic asbestos fibers into their homes via clothing, tools, or other means still have a legal right to secure compensation for asbestos-related diseases.
With that said, there are other options to secure compensation related to asbestos, including options that do not involve filing a lawsuit.
“Por lo general, quienes desarrollan enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto no muestran signos de enfermedad durante mucho tiempo después de la exposición”.Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH)2 |
Fideicomisos de asbesto
Fideicomisos de asbesto are actually the easiest and quickest way to secure compensation for asbestos injuries. The reason for this is that they do not involve filing a lawsuit. Instead, these are court-established funds that hold asbestos companies liable for illnesses caused by asbestos exposure. With more than $30 billion in unused funds, this option is the fastest way to secure compensation.
¿Califica usted para una compensación?
Descubra rápida y fácilmente cómo estuvo expuesto buscando en WARD, la base de datos de asbesto más grande del planeta.
BÚSQUEDA GRATUITA >W.A.R.D: The largest asbestos information database on the planet.
Look up your or your family member’s former worksite to see if you may qualify for asbestos compensation (without a lawsuit). Free to search.
One of the most important first steps related to this entire process is to determine whether asbestos exposure can be verified. The Worldwide Asbestos Research Database is a great place to start. This database can search via state, city, and occupation to curate a list of relevant facilities that have been known to contain asbestos.
Más de $ 30 mil millones todavía están disponibles (sin una demanda). Haga su reclamo. |
Take Your First Step Today
With all this in mind, you may have a place to start, but the sheer amount of information and steps to take can easily seem overwhelming. Again, this is where the benefit of an asbestos lawyer comes into play. If you want to secure compensation for yourself or a loved one but are unsure of whether you are concerned with attempting to undergo this process by yourself, you need to know that you have options available. One of the most important (and risk-free) steps to take is to reach out to the professionals at to determine what kind of compensation you qualify for
Para Justinian C. Lane, obtener una indemnización por las víctimas del asbesto es algo personal.
Los abuelos de Justiniano y su padre trabajaron con asbesto en su juventud y murieron de cánceres relacionados con el asbesto en sus últimos años.
En el momento de cada una de sus muertes, nadie en la familia de Justiniano sabía que eran elegibles para presentar una demanda por asbesto y buscar una compensación de los fideicomisos de asbesto.
Debido a que nadie en la familia de Justiniano conocía sus opciones, nunca recibieron compensación alguna por la muerte de sus seres queridos.
Si cree que su lesión o la de su familiar estuvo relacionada con la exposición al asbesto, podría tener derecho a una compensación significativa.
Este es dinero que podría usar para cubrir los costos de los servicios de remoción de asbesto, pagar el tratamiento médico y proteger de manera preventiva su bienestar físico.
También hay fideicomisos de asbesto que ofrecen compensación mucho más rápida y fácilmente (sin presentar una demanda).
Si desea ayuda para presentar un reclamo, ponerse en contacto por correo electrónico a [email protected] o llámenos o envíenos un mensaje de texto al (833) 4-ASBESTOS (427-2378) o (206) 455-9190. Escucharemos su historia y le explicaremos sus opciones. Y nunca cobramos por nada a menos que reciba dinero en su bolsillo.
Además de demandas legales, discapacidad de veteranos, seguridad social y protección del empleo como compensación de trabajadores, FELA y La ley de Jones para los trabajadores marítimos, hay fideicomisos de asbesto que se han establecido para indemnizar a los perjudicados por el asbesto sin tener que presentar una demanda.
No hay riesgo ni costo para hablar con uno de nuestro personal sobre su litigio de asbesto. No hay cargos a menos que reciba dinero.
Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes adicionales relacionadas con el asbesto, visite nuestro sitio web y página de YouTube para ver videos, infografías y respuestas a sus preguntas sobre el asbesto, incluida la salud y la seguridad, prueba de asbesto, la eliminación del asbesto de su hogar y edificio, y información legal sobre la compensación por lesiones de asbesto.
Presentamos la base de datos de información sobre asbesto más grande del planeta.
W.A.R.D., que significa Worldwide Asbestos Research Database, ayuda a los clientes a reducir cuándo y dónde pueden haber estado expuestos, así como qué productos aún pueden contener asbesto.WARD también ayudará a indicar los tipos de compensación ya cuánto puede tener derecho una persona.
1 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH) Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.
2 Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NIH), Hoja informativa sobre asbesto.