Finding the Right Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyer

Asbestos exposure causes several kinds of lung cancer. Mesotelioma is perhaps the worst disease in this group. A tumor gradually develops in the meso lining which separates the heart from the lungs. When we say gradually, that’s what we mean. Mesothelioma’s latency period could be more than fifty years. Since these victims show no serious symptoms, doctors usually don’t perform appropriate diagnostic tests.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer: receiving compensation quickly is vital.

As a result, by the time a doctor detects mesothelioma, the tumor may not respond to traditional treatments. Radiation therapy is a good example. Usually, doctors use targeted radiation to shrink tumors prior to surgical removal. But, mesothelioma tumors are so close to two vital organs that high radiation doses are a bad idea. They cause too much collateral damage.

The medical issues related to asbestos and lung cancer are only the beginning. These claims are very complex, from a legal standpoint. So, although there are thousands of lawyers who would happily handle a mesothelioma claim, only a select few have the right qualifications to successfully resolve your claim.


Si es posible que haya estado expuesto al asbesto, hable con su proveedor de atención médica sobre pruebas y exámenes para ayudar a detectar la presencia de fibras de enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto.

What to Look For in an Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyer

One reason these claims are so intricate is that asbestos exposure victims have several legal options, which are outlined below. During your initial consultation, your lawyer should have a vision for the case based on the facts. A few other qualities to look for include:


  • The old saying that “there’s no substitute for experience” applies in this situation. Law school teaches students how to analyze cases and think like lawyers. In other words, students learn how to think like lawyers. Only experience teaches these people how to act and react like lawyers.


  • Since asbestos cases are so complex, many victims turn to very large firms with vast resources. That’s not a bad strategy, but there are some tradeoffs. For example, in many large firms, less-experienced associates or even non-lawyer paralegals do much of the work. So, when you have questions about your case, you most likely won’t speak with your lawyer. As a result, you might still be in the dark.


  • Injury claims, including asbestos exposure injury claims, are unlike most other areas of law. Injury attorneys must have a strong commitment to their clients and a strong commitment to a cause. This cause isn’t making money. This cause is standing up for the rights of injury victims, regardless of the arena.

Be diligent in your search for an asbestos lung cancer lawyer. Do some research before your meeting and focus on these areas during your initial consultation. But don’t take too long. The sooner you partner with a lawyer, the sooner your lawyer starts working for you.

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Lung cancer and mesothelioma claims, lawsuits and asbestos bankruptcy trusts

Trust fund claims, defective product claims, and negligence claims are the three major options in an asbestos lung cancer matter. Each approach has some pros and cons.

Beginning around 1980, dozens of asbestos providers declared bankruptcy rather than face defective product lawsuits. A federal court granted their petitions, but only after these companies agreed to create a settlement fund. Today, that settlement fund exceeds $30 billion.

Receiving compensation for asbestos injuries, without a lawsuit. (Proving your case)

Trust fund claims are somewhat straightforward, from a legal standpoint. The defunct company obviously doesn’t challenge the claim on its merits. Financially, things are different. Trust fund administrators are usually a stingy lot. 

The more compensation they award, the sooner the trust fund runs out of money. Customarily, the asbestos trust fund administrator only offers pennies on the dollar, at least initially.

If the company is still in business, or it was acquired by another company, a defective product claim might be a good alternative. Scientists linked asbestos with health problems around 1900. Nevertheless, companies kept using this mineral, mostly because it was so cheap. Since these companies intentionally disregarded a known risk, and the victim’s injuries are norally so severe, juries often award very high compensation in these matters.

But these cases are legally complex. These companies usually hire teams of lawyers who fight these claims tooth and nail. These companies know that a single loss could open the floodgates and expose the company to millions of dollars in liability judgements.

Negligence claims against property owners are in the middle, from a legal and financial standpoint. Legally, victims must prove fault, but the standard of evidence is rather low. Financially, juries normally don’t award punitive damages in these cases. But they do usually award full compensatory damages for things like medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.

¿Califica usted para una compensación?

Descubra rápida y fácilmente cómo estuvo expuesto buscando en WARD, la base de datos de asbesto más grande del planeta.


If the company is still in business, or it was acquired by another company, a defective product claim might be a good alternative. Scientists linked asbestos with health problems around 1900. Nevertheless, companies kept using this mineral, mostly because it was so cheap. Since these companies intentionally disregarded a known risk, and the victim’s injuries are norally so severe, juries often award very high compensation in these matters.

But these cases are legally complex. These companies usually hire teams of lawyers who fight these claims tooth and nail. These companies know that a single loss could open the floodgates and expose the company to millions of dollars in liability judgements.

Negligence claims against property owners are in the middle, from a legal and financial standpoint. Legally, victims must prove fault, but the standard of evidence is rather low. Financially, juries normally don’t award punitive damages in these cases. But they do usually award full compensatory damages for things like medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.


Para Justinian C. Lane, obtener una indemnización por las víctimas del asbesto es algo personal.

Los abuelos de Justiniano y su padre trabajaron con asbesto en su juventud y murieron de cánceres relacionados con el asbesto en sus últimos años.  

En el momento de cada una de sus muertes, nadie en la familia de Justiniano sabía que eran elegibles para presentar una demanda por asbesto y buscar una compensación de los fideicomisos de asbesto.

Debido a que nadie en la familia de Justiniano conocía sus opciones, nunca recibieron compensación alguna por la muerte de sus seres queridos. 

Si cree que su lesión o la de su familiar estuvo relacionada con la exposición al asbesto, podría tener derecho a una compensación significativa.

Este es dinero que podría usar para cubrir los costos de los servicios de remoción de asbesto, pagar el tratamiento médico y proteger de manera preventiva su bienestar físico. 

También hay fideicomisos de asbesto que ofrecen compensación mucho más rápida y fácilmente (sin presentar una demanda).

Si desea ayuda para presentar un reclamo, ponerse en contacto por correo electrónico a [email protected]  o llámenos o envíenos un mensaje de texto al (833) 4-ASBESTOS (427-2378) o (206) 455-9190. Escucharemos su historia y le explicaremos sus opciones. Y nunca cobramos por nada a menos que reciba dinero en su bolsillo.

Además de demandas legales, discapacidad de veteranos, seguridad social y protección del empleo como compensación de trabajadores, FELA y La ley de Jones para los trabajadores marítimos, hay fideicomisos de asbesto que se han establecido para indemnizar a los perjudicados por el asbesto sin tener que presentar una demanda.

No hay riesgo ni costo para hablar con uno de nuestro personal sobre su litigio de asbesto. No hay cargos a menos que reciba dinero.

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes adicionales relacionadas con el asbesto, visite nuestro sitio web y página de YouTube para ver videos, infografías y respuestas a sus preguntas sobre el asbesto, incluida la salud y la seguridad, prueba de asbesto, la eliminación del asbesto de su hogar y edificio, y información legal sobre la compensación por lesiones de asbesto.

Presentamos la base de datos de información sobre asbesto más grande del planeta.

W.A.R.D., que significa Worldwide Asbestos Research Database, ayuda a los clientes a reducir cuándo y dónde pueden haber estado expuestos, así como qué productos aún pueden contener asbesto.WARD también ayudará a indicar los tipos de compensación ya cuánto puede tener derecho una persona.